Amazon Pay vs PayPal

September 15, 2021


Nowadays, e-commerce has become one of the most important and widely used business models. Payment processing technology is an integral part of e-commerce, where merchants can collect payments from customers. Amazon Pay and PayPal are two of the most recognized and widely used tools in online payment processing technology. But which one is better? Let’s compare.

Amazon Pay vs. PayPal

User Base

When it comes to the user base, PayPal has over 403 million active accounts worldwide, while Amazon Pay has over 300 million users. Despite a smaller user base, Amazon Pay has an increasing number of users since the brand's trust is backed by Amazon.

Transaction Fees

The transaction fees of PayPal and Amazon Pay differ slightly. PayPal charges 2.9% + $0.30 transaction fee for domestic transactions while Amazon Pay charges 2.9% + $0.30 transaction fee for transactions under $10; for transactions over $10, Amazon Pay charges 2.9% + $0.30 plus $0.30 flat fee.

Integration and Security

Paypal and Amazon Pay are both secure payment gateways. They encrypt payment data with SSL/TLS to ensure that data is safe from interception by third parties. When it comes to integration, PayPal is more widely accepted, being available in more than 200 markets globally, while Amazon Pay is available in fewer regions.

Customer Experience

PayPal has been around for longer, so more people are familiar with it. It’s also more commonly integrated with e-commerce websites, and it has a trusted brand reputation. On the other hand, Amazon Pay may offer a seamless checkout experience to those customers who are already using Amazon's platform.


Both PayPal and Amazon Pay are great payment gateways with their own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some points to remember:

  • PayPal is widely available and has a larger user base, making it a more familiar and trusted platform;
  • Amazon Pay provides a streamlined checkout experience for customers who are already using Amazon's platform;
  • Both platforms are secure, and transaction fees differ slightly between the two.

Ultimately, the decision will depend on your audience and business needs.


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